Winter activities make the cold weather season pass with a smile! Be sure to keep warm this Minnesota season and keep those retainers safe in their cases when not wearing them. They can get lost in the pockets of coats, snow pants and all the gear bags! Leaving aligners or retainers in cold vehicles can also make them brittle and more likely to break.
October is National Orthodontic Health Month (NOHM). The observance is in part a celebration of healthy, beautiful smiles and the benefits of orthodontic treatment – but also, an opportunity to focus on the importance of good oral health, especially for orthodontic patients and those who are interested in treatment.
Things to look out for during the summer are keeping track of retainers, keeping up with oral hygiene practices (late nights and sleeping in can sometimes result in forgetting to brush teeth), and it’s a great time for an orthodontic evaluation.
Oral hygiene practices can also slip during the summer months. With late nights, sleep overs, and sleeping in longer hours, some patients forget to brush before bed or in the morning! And with additional snacking, sugary treats and beverages, this can be the formula for enamel spotting marks, cavities and gum irritation around the brackets or Invisalign attachments. Regular dental visits and orthodontic appointments can help reduce this risk, but be sure to always brush effectively before bed and timely in the morning.
There are several options for mouthwash available for different purposes. Depending on your need and hygiene practices, work with your orthodontist, dentist and dental hygienist to find the right one for you. In general, a mild concentration fluoride helps protect against potential cavities that can start in grooves, pits or areas missed during brushing, flossing and cleaning. Watch out for higher alcohol content that may be drying to your oral tissues or heavy dyes that are likely unnecessary for your needs. Keep it clean!