I hope this update finds you all safe, healthy and back to work and life. The last several weeks have challenged us all in ways like never before. Armed with additional personal protective equipment, air filtration systems, barriers, a COVID19 preparedness plan, careful scheduling, additional disinfection protocols, wellness screening protocols and a trained healthy team, Ekim Orthodontics was able to safely reopen on May 14th, 2020. I am so happy to return to my patients, my team and to what I love to do. In addition to COVID19, we also find ourselves in grief and turmoil as we tackle deep issues of equality and a senseless loss of life. As we fight against COVID19 and continue the quest for social justice, we also see our kids graduate another school year. This reminds us that teaching our youth and modeling daily kindness and respect for all people is of the utmost importance for the brighter future of humanity. From my heart to yours, great job returning to work, homeschooling and navigating such uncertain difficult times. Please let me know if we can help. I look forward to seeing you all in person again (with a mask and hopefully soon without a mask).